Monday, August 3


I haven't posted in a while. Oh well. It's pretty late here, but not late at the same time. So, update on life. Today I found the movie I've been looking for for months and another DVD that I didn't even know I owned. Awesome.

You know, the summer is amazing. During the time so far, I've probably eaten more popsicles than I should've. But since it's the summer, nobody really cares. I can hang around the house all day and play video games with my friends. Which, coincidentally, is basically what I do. Except when I have to leave the house. Which also happens a lot.

My life is boring. Don't listen to me.

If you still are, I'll write about how I wish I was someone else sometimes. Because, even though I'm a teenager and have a lame excuse for a life, things get hard to handle sometimes. It used to be worse, but I won't get into details. Lets just say that I'm not nesscarily proud of some of my family members. If you're reading this, it's probably not you.

Well, on the bright side, I actually managed to write something decent today. Three chapters. Hooray. *insert applause*

So, er, I'd appreciate it if you be nice to the world today. The people in it aren't as happy as they appear to be.



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