Friday, June 26

It's been a while.

My, my. Well, I'd like to start off by posting the lyrics to a song that I absolutely adore. I'm not posting the entire song, because that would take up too much space. Here ya go:

Lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
You've put me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead (singing)
Come out of things unsaid, shoot an ap
ple off my head (and a)
Trouble that can't be named, tigers waiting to be tamed (singing) 
You are, you are

Recognize it? J
ust think for a minute, it shouldn't be th
at hard. It's Clocks, by Coldplay. A few of my friends went to see them the other day, actually. 

In other news, school is officially over as of June 25. This summer is going to be especially long, because school doesn't start again till September 7. I don't plan to do 
much this summer, and my schedule goes as follows: eat, sleep, write, read, get older, and go to concerts. Simple, isn't it? But unfortunately, my lovely parents want me to work with them. I don't have a problem with that, but I do still want time to do whatever is on that list above. 

Mom keeps bothering me about my birthday, and what I want to do. I answered, "Nothing." 
She didn't seem satisfied, and continuously brings up the subject. I just want to get older in peace, thank-you. But, when she asked about the cake, I simply responded, "Raspberries." So now Mom has to figure something out that has raspberries in it. Hopefully it will be delicious. But I'm not worried about that. 

I'd really like to post another picture, because I think that it is v pretty.

Just look at the adorability of that kitty! It's so cute! I also enjoy Tom's shirt. Snoopy for the win. If you didn't know, that is Tom Fletcher of McFly, and his adorable kittykat! I stole it from a Twitter post. I just can't get enough of that kitty, though. I mean, it's so much smaller than Timmy! But Timmy is still cute. Even if he is fat. 

I don't know what else to say, and apologize for never posting. I am fail. Oh well, I promise to post again soon, and write about boring things that nobody cares about. :]

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